It should come as no surprise to anyone who knows us that this is the fandom we chose as the topic for our first episode. One of the only fandoms for which both Kelly and I have a more-than-healthy affinity for, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is the perfect first sip for our show.
Funny, irreverent, female-led, deep and fluffy at the same time, this geek is an awesome example of how good fantasy has something for everyone, how not take oneself too seriously and gives the audience much food for thought long after the episodes have aired. 20 years after they have aired to be exact in our case.
Recording this episode was just as much fun as I was hoping we would have when we first came up with the idea for Geek Steep. It may seem ridiculous, but I think deep down we just wanted an excuse to talk about fandoms and drink tea together. Actually recording the conversations somehow legitimizes all the time we spend doing it, and hopefully, others will like what they hear and eventually we will find a way to grow and broaden the conversations we are having.
Slightly nervous to record our first episode, of our first podcast, it was probably a smart move on our part to choose a subject we know like the back of our hand. I hope you enjoy our analysis and if you are not a Buffy fan, hopefully this will intrigue you just enough to check it out!
Episodes watched:
S4E10 Hush
S5E16 The Body
Teas drunk while geeking:
Marika- David's Tea Blood Orange Boost
Kelly- Adagio Teas Silver Jasmine Needles
Teas drunk while recording:
Marika- ACME Tea Company Just Peachy CBD tea + Camellia Sinensis Competition Bai Hao 3rd Class
Kelly- Bird & Blend Co. Campfires and Vampires
